45 Chris Dr
Kingsland GA 31548
Email: crossfitcamden2009@gmail.com

Tuesday WOD

3 x 3 snatch balance  7 x 1 of the 3 position snatch ( pockets, just above knee, floor) rest then complete for time 30 kettle swings 40 sit ups 50 lunge steps 40 sit ups 30 kettle swings

Memorial Day (Monday) WOD

Memorial Day Murph at CFC We will start heats at 0800 and will continue with follow up heats every 15 min, until 0915 being the last heat. There are NO AFTERNOON CLASSES. Some food and drinks will be provided by CFC. Feel free to bring in some grub to share for after the WOD....

Saturday WOD

Teams of 3 or 4 complete the following for time: 135 power snatches 75/55 15 ropes climbs 85 thrusters 115/75 only one athlete can work at a time, complete all reps at each movement before moving to the next, break up reps as you see fit.

Friday WOD

5 X 2 Hang Squat Clean + 1 Jerk  @ 80% – rest as needed rest then “Ghost” 6 rounds of: 1 min row for cals 1 min burpees 1 min double unders 1 min rest

Thursday WOD

  4 x 5 bent over row rest then complete for time 800m run 5 rounds of 10 pull ups 15 push ups 25 squats 400m run    

Wednesday WOD

10 min work on the snatch  rest then complete for time 1000 m row 50 deadlifts 135/95 30 toes to bar

Tuesday WOD

  4 x 3 front squat (pause in the bottom) rest then Complete as many reps as possible in 8 minutes of: 115-lb. shoulder presses Each time you break/ drop the bar, perform 50 double-unders Rest 4 minutes Then, complete as many reps as possible in 8 minutes of: 205-lb. hang...

Monday WOD

Complete the following chipper for time 1 mile run 25 overhead squats 135/95 120 sit ups 150 double unders 25 sumo deadlift high pulls 135/95 100 box jump overs (26 min time cap)

Saturday WOD

Teams of two complete the following for time 100 Kettlebell Swings (24k/16) 100 Box Jumps (24/20) 800m Run 80 Kettlebell Swings 80 Box Jumps 800m Run 60 Kettlebell Swings 60 Box step ups with Kettlebell only one person can work at a time. break up reps as you see fit. complete...

Friday WOD

“Fran” 21-15-9 for time of: thrusters 95/65 pull ups rest then spend 15 min working on the split jerk (you can go heavy or just work the movement)